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Using the Wasteflow camera system, you are able to analyze and evaluate your material flow on the conveyor belt live. 



You will receive user-friendly statistics from your measuring point or, if several are in use, even from your system and your entire recycling center.

Mit diesen Auswertungen lässt sich auf die Anlagenauslastung schliessen und feststellen, ob in Ihrer Anlage alle Fraktionen in einem Bereich liegen, der effizient prozessiert wird. Ausserdem können neue Fraktionen die bisher nicht valorisiert wurden lokalisiert werden.

You gain a new, precise understanding of what your system processes.

Hazard detection

Dangerous objects such as batteries can be detected using object recognition. By connecting to the system control system, intervention is possible and the object can be removed before it causes damage.

Within the scope of the evaluable parameters, other interfering objects can be detected in addition to batteries.

Avoid downtime and expensive repair costs through early foreign body detection


Functional principle


Two cameras simultaneously capture the material on the belt. A 3D point cloud is created from these images.


The artificial intelligence recognizes the individual elements in the point cloud and records them


The user receives prepared statistics on what the system processes.

Evaluable parameters


Flow rate




Custom parameters 

If you want to evaluate special parameters that are not part of the standard scope of the system, these can be trained in a user-defined manner.


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Project management

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Your contact for further information:
Lorenz Rüegsegger

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